Return On Capital Employed ROCE: Definition and How To Calculate

Here are some that are often used in conjunction with ROCE, or commonly confused with ROCE. The current ROCE of a company can also be viewed in relation to that of its historical periods to assess the consistency at which capital is efficiently deployed. The invested capital is generally a more detailed analysis of a […]

Stale-Dated Check

We do not include the universe of companies or financial offers that may accounting be available to you. Check to see that the contact information is correct, as checks may go missing simply because of an incorrect mailing address. To protect you from someone depositing a cheque without your permission, include a note that states […]

The Ultimate Guide To Construction Bookkeeping

Construction accounting can be a complex and challenging task for independent contractors and construction businesses of all sizes. With unique project-based structures, long-term contracts, and fluctuating costs, the financial management of construction projects requires specialized knowledge and practices. For construction businesses, managing accounts payable requires a unique blend of job-specific tracking, vendor management, and cost […]